Wednesday 13 June 2012

Today in our society, there’s a lot of pressure towards teens about how they present themselves with what articles of clothing they wear. In high school, it seems like everyone’s competing to have the best of the best. Also, teens have let them selves go over the centuries; dressing more scandalously and wearing more makeup than clothes.
At high school, teens treat the hallways as their own personal runway, walking down the halls hoping all eyes are on them and all their peers are noticing their newest clothing, hoping they will get a good score when being judged. They want their clothes to be good enough to fit in with their “group”. And when people dress a certain way, it will altar peoples opinions on them. Depending on how they want to be viewed and what kind of reputation they want, they will be sure to dress the part. That is why it is important to teens to dress to impress.

SHOPPING (to the tune of twinkle, tinkle. little star)

Shopping, shopping at the mall. Clothes on sale, i see them all. Jeans jewelry, head bands, skirts
Purses, nail polish, colourful shirts.
Used my credit card; maxed it out.
now my parents are going to shout!


i just got my g-1 and i've already been on round abouts, i drove to cambridge and back and out to new dundee and passed transport trucks and i've been driving my friend to school and i've only been driving 6 times. It's so much fun! it took me 2 tries to get my g-1 though. at first i passed the signs (got 2 wrong) but failded road rules (got 5 wrong and the max is 4). When i went back to re-write, on road rules i got 4 wrong. Right after i got it, my priest took me driving out to new dundee lol. it was great :)

end of year beef.

I do not understand whyyyyyy certain people are starting drama the last full week of school... like really people, come on! summer is here! it's just under our noses!! if anything, the end of the school year should be a time to fogive so you can enjoy your summer stress-free and enter grade 11 with a smile and drama free. Now because of this, my friends are going to have to start off their gr 11 scholl year with resentment and anger.

Thursday 7 June 2012


"Everything has beauty, just not everyone sees it..."
"Even a brooken clock is right twice a day."
"I am who I am based on the decissions i made yesterday."
"Every day begins with a first breath"
"Now I know, that love was meant to be a play thing. Now I know, it's not an ordinary everyday thing. Now I know, that when it's right it's so amazing. But when it's wron, you've got to let it go. Now I know"
"Even the sun sets in paradise"
"We both know that the story's ending. We play the part but we're just pretending."
"Life, the gift of nature.
Love, the gift of life.
A kiss, the gift of love."


I am so so so very excited for this summer. this is the first summer in four years that i havent had to waste it by watching my little sister. My summers use to cinsist of having to get up at 7:00 each day with my sister to make her breakfast, taking her outside for some fresh air, and fighting with her constantly. But all that is about to change within afew weeks! I will finaly get to experiance the summer my friends breg about, sleeping in 'till noon, wondering the sidewalks with friends, hanging out, and sleepovers! I can NOT wait !!!!

Professor of Environmental Science

I think that in order to be a Professor of Environmental Science, you would really have to have a love for the planet and take a strong interest in the environment. I think this is a great job because not only are these people trying to help make our world healthy again, ut they are educating others as well.
I am addicted to my cellphone. it's my life and keeps ,y life on track. i have all my personal stuff in it as well as my daily schedule. It helps me stay conected to old friends and family ican rarely see. Its a great source of entertainment, being able to play music, games, take pictures and videos on it, and surf the web. I don't know what i would do without my IPhone :)

Math Lecturer at U of W

math is for sure my weakest subject so there's no way i would consider this as a career. I'd imagine that it'd be competitive to get this possion as there are many students wanting to become a prof,. It also seems like a tough job and you'd have to be very very very smart and excel in math to persue this career. 

Crown Attorney

persuing the job of a Crown Attorney would not be for me. It would get depressing working with such inhumane and unbelievable cases. I would feel drained; energyless and unhappy. Especilly if you are trying to deffend someone whom you think is guilty. I imagine that would be very hard to deal with.
i persona;;y think that being a midwife would be a very hard job because it'd very time consuming and like the guest speakers said, you would beon all 24/7. I think it would get tiring and stressful because you wouldn't really be able to travel or have family time when you are on call. It would deffenitly be hard to manage your home life and family with a career like that.

Monday 28 May 2012

is it weird to do this in public?

people always seem to make a big deal about others putting deodorent on in public because I guess it's awkward for tothers and is basically saying "hey guess what everybody... I STINK"
well, to be honest, i don't see how this is any different from when people spray body sprays and axe and stuff in the halls... they are sending the same message are they not..? you're obviously tying to covour up some nasty odors, cuz if u weren't then there would be no need to be spraying that stuff around. so yeah, i just think that if spraying sprays in public isn't awkward then how is putting on deodarent.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

When the vice pres. of RIM came in, he answered basically all of our questions. I found it interesting how he had an english degree and became an engineer. Again, this demonstrates how important it is to keep your options open. For me personally, I think it'd be hard to be a vice pres. of such a rapidly increasing and well developed company. There's a lot of responsabilities and traveling and stuff like that involved. It's cool that Scott Wahl accepted the challanges and is becoming very successful with his work.

Friday 4 May 2012

Today the math prof, Judeth came and talked about being...well, a math prof.
I found it interesting how math people are very much needed in various fields. For example she said that they are needed to collaborate with scientests to find cures for illnesses and stuff like that. Also she talked a lot about keeping your doors open to oppertunities because she never thought she'd pursue a carreer as a University prof but when the oppertunity presented it's self, she took it.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

today Melissa (i forget her last name) came in to talk about her carreers. she started out as a live tv news reporter then after she had a baby she decided to be the counsellor of waterloo instead. To me this seemed like a very rendom transition. I still don't understand why she stopped reporting and interviewing. When she talked about being a live reporter, she seemed to love it and talked mostly about that. It was interesting knowing how she got to be where she is today aswell.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

who to vote for

i would probably vote for the liberal party (Andrew Telegdi) because i really like the ideas he proposses. my two favourite are $1,000 per year in university and more money for a child care plan. I liked these because with the $1,000, it will allow university to be cheaper. With the child care plan money, this will help parents afford daycare for their children so they can focus on their jobs and not worry about what they are going to do with their chikdren.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


I would never want to be a writer. Being a writer requires to much creativity, imagination, and grammer which im not too good at...
I hate writing and I CAN NOT even  think about havinig to write a chapterbook. that would be awful. I'm also very lazy and would probably get writers block alot. I can think of a million other things I'd want to do other than sit there for weeks and write a book that I would probably never even read. 
Therefor, i could never be a writer. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

a little bit about my background


FOOD: Jamaica has a wide range of food. Most of it features exotic spices and tropical friuts and vegtables, due to its location. Most popular on the menu is jerk, a marinade that can be added to almost anything, but usually meat. The spicy sauce includes many of the island's native ingredients.
ARTS (MUSIC): Jamaicans take pride in their artistic style. Influenced by the island's unique culture as well as European, American, and African art forms, islanders have mastered a style all their own. the most popular form of Jamaican music is reggae, which has a sound is so easy to enjoy that it has gained popularity throughout the world. Many reggae musicians have grown to international fame, most notably Bob Marley, who worked with and influenced many other local musicians before his death in 1981. The popularity of this genre has continued to
            Reggae may be the most well-known style of music, but there are many more. However, the different types of music performed now fall into three groups: dance, religious, and work and entertainment.
Religious music: Religious music has been influenced by the various smaller religions popular on the island. These songs are generally accompanied by drumming and chanting. Songs can also include singing and other musical instruments.
Work & entertainment: Work songs are an aspect of the tradition rooted in the culture of slavery, when songs were used to pass messages and gossip, though they also helped ease the work of the slaves. Songs of this type followed a traditional African call and response format. However, games are also sung, and children often gather in circles to sing and clap. Games are generally very physically demanding, so there are rarely instruments in these songs.


Thursday 8 March 2012


A metaphor is a comparison that is made between things and are very common in speech.
A simile compares things by connecting the words using 'like' or 'as'
(incomplete post)


"Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live"
this quote was given by the guy who made the invisible children movie we watched in class.
And when he said this, it stuck with me. Just because people live in third world countries doesnt mean they shouldn't have a chance at life. We often think that they are use to the way they live in poverty and with aids and in the excrucuating heat. When we hear their living conditions we often think they can tolarate how they live since they have been living like that their whole lives. What the guy who made the movie about the invisible children is try to say is we need to stop thinking like that and understand that they are humans just like us. They feel pain just like we do. More people need to realize this and stop thinking about them selves all the time.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

moments to remember (Y)

-That awkward moment when you get home from school and look at yourself in the mirror thinking `did I really look like this all day?`

-Me: "Hey." *2 HOURS LATER* Them: "Hi." ........No, it's too late. I don't wanna talk to you anymore.

-That amazing moment when you drop your phone but the headphones save its life.

-Trying to find your phone when its on silent is one of life`s hardest tasks.

-That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on facebook and you look like you're talking to yourself

-"That awkward moment when a package says "Easy open" & you end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun & a lightsaber trying to open it."

-That moment when you already packed your school bag and someone gives you back the pen they lent from you earlier -.- happens to me allll the time

-walking into your room saying "wow, i should rlly clean this" then walking out..

-*Walks into room* "Why am I here?" *Walks out of room* "Oh now I remember

-That awkward moment When you're in bed, 'half asleep' & you have a mini spaz attack & you think you're falling.

-That awkward moment when your parents tell you to stand in line & You're near the cashier & they haven't come back yet..

-Daydreaming while you're reading, then having to re-read what you just read.
-That awkward moment when you push a door, when you're supposed to pull.

Dear 12 year olds on Facebook, how are you in a complicated relationship?! Did they steal your cookies?

just go back to playing with Barbie and Ken and pretending they are dating.
You're to young to be postiong about you're relationship problems on facebook. you shouldn't have relationship problems at twelve.
It adds to much stress. Save the boy drama for highschool. enough said.


In todays society, teens are very much negatively  influenced by the mediea. The media purposes a certain image they believe is "beautiful" and teens should follow. The media is completely brainwashing teens today.
Teens need to understand that there isn't one verion of "beautiful". Beauty come in all shapes and sizes.
~"Everything Has Beauty, Just Not Everyone Sees It.."
This quote is a perfect example of what im trying to say.
It means that those who have their mind set on just one example of beauty are unable to open their eyes to the more subtle beauty around them.


Monday 5 March 2012


I LOVE DORA GUMMIES! they are so delicious and juicy and colourful. and full of artificial goodness! :D
My favourite one to eat is Boots because it's blue and tastes really good...yeahh...
anywyas, i love amber snider for bringing them for mee <3

Tuesday 28 February 2012

literacy choices

soo, my top two literacy choices were (#1) thirt teen reasons why and (#2) the glass castle.
i chose thirteen reasins why for my first choice because it was the only book that seemed kind of interesting out of the choices. I chose the glass castle as my second choice because it it sounded kind of interesting with the artsy parents.

Monday 27 February 2012


I heard that the gouvernment is going to be getting rid of pennies. This really sucks, in my opinion, because i collect pennies. When ever i see a penny on the ground, i will pick it up and put it in a special piggy bank i have just for those beautiful copper coins. My friends throw pennies away like they are nothing. When they get change back i ask for their pennies and they say "sure. It's just one cent..." This is true. But what they dont know is that i save up my pennies and take them to the change machine at Food Basics. I once got a $20.00 bill from the change machine when i deposited my pennies.
So long story short, I like taking advantage of the fact that people see them as nothing and throw them away. I get more money out of it ;)

percy jackson and the olympian series

My favourite series to read at the moment are the Percy Jackson series. I know they are kind of... "kidish" but, what ever. I enjoy them.
The reason why i like this series so much is because for one, i LOVE the author Rick Riordan and also, i love greek mythology. Like it's turned into an obsession..
Also. the plot is amazing as well as the description used to really make the stories come to life.
I know i'm reading a good book when i'm completely oblivious to what's going on around me and when i read, it's like a movie is playing in my head. This happens when i read ever
y one of these books.
  My favourite out of the the five books in the first series would be book #1, The Lightening Thief.
This book was so good that a movie was made after it.
Rick Riordan started a second serious called The Heros of Olympus which sort of has a similar theme however this series is based on both Greek and Roman mythology oppose to just Greek mythology. Also new characters are introduced. I can't wait 'till the newest book in the second series comes out! :),r:18,s:0

Cake Face

I absolutely HATE when people miss use the term "Cake Face"
A cake face is someone who puts globs of foundation on so it looks all streaky and their face is a complet shade darker than the rest of their bodies.
A cake face is some one who clumps their mascare so there are little balls of nastyness hanging from their eyelashes.
A cake face is someone who has eyeliner winged out to their ears then filled in really thickly
A cake face is someone who pencils in their eyebrows so much that when you see them you go "OMG she penciled in her eyebrows!! CAKE FACEE!!!"
A cake face is someone who literally paints on their face and uses excessive amounts of make up in the morning.
 However, a cake face is NOT someone who wears makeup  nicely. It's okay for girls to wear alot of makeup as long as it's applied nicely and blended well so it looks presentable. But when u have girls piling on the cosmetics to the point where they just look fake and they go through 100 bottles of makeup remover a month (exaggerated), that's when it's suitable to use the term cake face.

Friday 10 February 2012

soo, todayy, i went on today's meet for the first time andd, i found it really confusing. there were SOO many different topics and it was hard to tell who was talking to whom. but i thought it was cool to beable to talk to people from other schools. and being able to socialize in class, thats such a plus! love it! :)

Thursday 9 February 2012

SAME-sex marriage

In my opinion the same-sex marriage should be legal because love is love. Weather its with two individuals of the same sex or two individuals of the opposite sex. I always wonder who gave everyone the idea that it's so wrong? The church? If so, that's rather ironic because in church you learn to be accepting of others and you learn that what ever god you believe in, loves everyone. So to say that same-sex marriage is illegal is discrimination.