Monday 28 May 2012

is it weird to do this in public?

people always seem to make a big deal about others putting deodorent on in public because I guess it's awkward for tothers and is basically saying "hey guess what everybody... I STINK"
well, to be honest, i don't see how this is any different from when people spray body sprays and axe and stuff in the halls... they are sending the same message are they not..? you're obviously tying to covour up some nasty odors, cuz if u weren't then there would be no need to be spraying that stuff around. so yeah, i just think that if spraying sprays in public isn't awkward then how is putting on deodarent.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this is a generational thing, but I lump all that together in "personal grooming," and think it's all stuff people should do privately or in a bathroom at least. Same goes with brushing hair, applying makeup, and clipping fingernails. People have stopped caring about keeping their personal routines private. AND I'm allergic to sprays and have a hard time walking through the halls some mornings when everyone's primping at their lockers.
