Monday 28 May 2012

is it weird to do this in public?

people always seem to make a big deal about others putting deodorent on in public because I guess it's awkward for tothers and is basically saying "hey guess what everybody... I STINK"
well, to be honest, i don't see how this is any different from when people spray body sprays and axe and stuff in the halls... they are sending the same message are they not..? you're obviously tying to covour up some nasty odors, cuz if u weren't then there would be no need to be spraying that stuff around. so yeah, i just think that if spraying sprays in public isn't awkward then how is putting on deodarent.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

When the vice pres. of RIM came in, he answered basically all of our questions. I found it interesting how he had an english degree and became an engineer. Again, this demonstrates how important it is to keep your options open. For me personally, I think it'd be hard to be a vice pres. of such a rapidly increasing and well developed company. There's a lot of responsabilities and traveling and stuff like that involved. It's cool that Scott Wahl accepted the challanges and is becoming very successful with his work.

Friday 4 May 2012

Today the math prof, Judeth came and talked about being...well, a math prof.
I found it interesting how math people are very much needed in various fields. For example she said that they are needed to collaborate with scientests to find cures for illnesses and stuff like that. Also she talked a lot about keeping your doors open to oppertunities because she never thought she'd pursue a carreer as a University prof but when the oppertunity presented it's self, she took it.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

today Melissa (i forget her last name) came in to talk about her carreers. she started out as a live tv news reporter then after she had a baby she decided to be the counsellor of waterloo instead. To me this seemed like a very rendom transition. I still don't understand why she stopped reporting and interviewing. When she talked about being a live reporter, she seemed to love it and talked mostly about that. It was interesting knowing how she got to be where she is today aswell.