Tuesday 28 February 2012

literacy choices

soo, my top two literacy choices were (#1) thirt teen reasons why and (#2) the glass castle.
i chose thirteen reasins why for my first choice because it was the only book that seemed kind of interesting out of the choices. I chose the glass castle as my second choice because it it sounded kind of interesting with the artsy parents.

Monday 27 February 2012


I heard that the gouvernment is going to be getting rid of pennies. This really sucks, in my opinion, because i collect pennies. When ever i see a penny on the ground, i will pick it up and put it in a special piggy bank i have just for those beautiful copper coins. My friends throw pennies away like they are nothing. When they get change back i ask for their pennies and they say "sure. It's just one cent..." This is true. But what they dont know is that i save up my pennies and take them to the change machine at Food Basics. I once got a $20.00 bill from the change machine when i deposited my pennies.
So long story short, I like taking advantage of the fact that people see them as nothing and throw them away. I get more money out of it ;)

percy jackson and the olympian series

My favourite series to read at the moment are the Percy Jackson series. I know they are kind of... "kidish" but, what ever. I enjoy them.
The reason why i like this series so much is because for one, i LOVE the author Rick Riordan and also, i love greek mythology. Like it's turned into an obsession..
Also. the plot is amazing as well as the description used to really make the stories come to life.
I know i'm reading a good book when i'm completely oblivious to what's going on around me and when i read, it's like a movie is playing in my head. This happens when i read ever
y one of these books.
  My favourite out of the the five books in the first series would be book #1, The Lightening Thief.
This book was so good that a movie was made after it.
Rick Riordan started a second serious called The Heros of Olympus which sort of has a similar theme however this series is based on both Greek and Roman mythology oppose to just Greek mythology. Also new characters are introduced. I can't wait 'till the newest book in the second series comes out! :)


Cake Face

I absolutely HATE when people miss use the term "Cake Face"
A cake face is someone who puts globs of foundation on so it looks all streaky and their face is a complet shade darker than the rest of their bodies.
A cake face is some one who clumps their mascare so there are little balls of nastyness hanging from their eyelashes.
A cake face is someone who has eyeliner winged out to their ears then filled in really thickly
A cake face is someone who pencils in their eyebrows so much that when you see them you go "OMG she penciled in her eyebrows!! CAKE FACEE!!!"
A cake face is someone who literally paints on their face and uses excessive amounts of make up in the morning.
 However, a cake face is NOT someone who wears makeup  nicely. It's okay for girls to wear alot of makeup as long as it's applied nicely and blended well so it looks presentable. But when u have girls piling on the cosmetics to the point where they just look fake and they go through 100 bottles of makeup remover a month (exaggerated), that's when it's suitable to use the term cake face.

Friday 10 February 2012

soo, todayy, i went on today's meet for the first time andd, i found it really confusing. there were SOO many different topics and it was hard to tell who was talking to whom. but i thought it was cool to beable to talk to people from other schools. and being able to socialize in class, thats such a plus! love it! :)

Thursday 9 February 2012

SAME-sex marriage

In my opinion the same-sex marriage should be legal because love is love. Weather its with two individuals of the same sex or two individuals of the opposite sex. I always wonder who gave everyone the idea that it's so wrong? The church? If so, that's rather ironic because in church you learn to be accepting of others and you learn that what ever god you believe in, loves everyone. So to say that same-sex marriage is illegal is discrimination.