Thursday 8 March 2012


"Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live"
this quote was given by the guy who made the invisible children movie we watched in class.
And when he said this, it stuck with me. Just because people live in third world countries doesnt mean they shouldn't have a chance at life. We often think that they are use to the way they live in poverty and with aids and in the excrucuating heat. When we hear their living conditions we often think they can tolarate how they live since they have been living like that their whole lives. What the guy who made the movie about the invisible children is try to say is we need to stop thinking like that and understand that they are humans just like us. They feel pain just like we do. More people need to realize this and stop thinking about them selves all the time.


  1. I agree! Everyone is equal to one another no matter were they live or come from.
