Thursday, 22 March 2012

a little bit about my background


FOOD: Jamaica has a wide range of food. Most of it features exotic spices and tropical friuts and vegtables, due to its location. Most popular on the menu is jerk, a marinade that can be added to almost anything, but usually meat. The spicy sauce includes many of the island's native ingredients.
ARTS (MUSIC): Jamaicans take pride in their artistic style. Influenced by the island's unique culture as well as European, American, and African art forms, islanders have mastered a style all their own. the most popular form of Jamaican music is reggae, which has a sound is so easy to enjoy that it has gained popularity throughout the world. Many reggae musicians have grown to international fame, most notably Bob Marley, who worked with and influenced many other local musicians before his death in 1981. The popularity of this genre has continued to
            Reggae may be the most well-known style of music, but there are many more. However, the different types of music performed now fall into three groups: dance, religious, and work and entertainment.
Religious music: Religious music has been influenced by the various smaller religions popular on the island. These songs are generally accompanied by drumming and chanting. Songs can also include singing and other musical instruments.
Work & entertainment: Work songs are an aspect of the tradition rooted in the culture of slavery, when songs were used to pass messages and gossip, though they also helped ease the work of the slaves. Songs of this type followed a traditional African call and response format. However, games are also sung, and children often gather in circles to sing and clap. Games are generally very physically demanding, so there are rarely instruments in these songs.


Thursday, 8 March 2012


A metaphor is a comparison that is made between things and are very common in speech.
A simile compares things by connecting the words using 'like' or 'as'
(incomplete post)


"Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live"
this quote was given by the guy who made the invisible children movie we watched in class.
And when he said this, it stuck with me. Just because people live in third world countries doesnt mean they shouldn't have a chance at life. We often think that they are use to the way they live in poverty and with aids and in the excrucuating heat. When we hear their living conditions we often think they can tolarate how they live since they have been living like that their whole lives. What the guy who made the movie about the invisible children is try to say is we need to stop thinking like that and understand that they are humans just like us. They feel pain just like we do. More people need to realize this and stop thinking about them selves all the time.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

moments to remember (Y)

-That awkward moment when you get home from school and look at yourself in the mirror thinking `did I really look like this all day?`

-Me: "Hey." *2 HOURS LATER* Them: "Hi." ........No, it's too late. I don't wanna talk to you anymore.

-That amazing moment when you drop your phone but the headphones save its life.

-Trying to find your phone when its on silent is one of life`s hardest tasks.

-That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on facebook and you look like you're talking to yourself

-"That awkward moment when a package says "Easy open" & you end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun & a lightsaber trying to open it."

-That moment when you already packed your school bag and someone gives you back the pen they lent from you earlier -.- happens to me allll the time

-walking into your room saying "wow, i should rlly clean this" then walking out..

-*Walks into room* "Why am I here?" *Walks out of room* "Oh now I remember

-That awkward moment When you're in bed, 'half asleep' & you have a mini spaz attack & you think you're falling.

-That awkward moment when your parents tell you to stand in line & You're near the cashier & they haven't come back yet..

-Daydreaming while you're reading, then having to re-read what you just read.
-That awkward moment when you push a door, when you're supposed to pull.

Dear 12 year olds on Facebook, how are you in a complicated relationship?! Did they steal your cookies?

just go back to playing with Barbie and Ken and pretending they are dating.
You're to young to be postiong about you're relationship problems on facebook. you shouldn't have relationship problems at twelve.
It adds to much stress. Save the boy drama for highschool. enough said.


In todays society, teens are very much negatively  influenced by the mediea. The media purposes a certain image they believe is "beautiful" and teens should follow. The media is completely brainwashing teens today.
Teens need to understand that there isn't one verion of "beautiful". Beauty come in all shapes and sizes.
~"Everything Has Beauty, Just Not Everyone Sees It.."
This quote is a perfect example of what im trying to say.
It means that those who have their mind set on just one example of beauty are unable to open their eyes to the more subtle beauty around them.


Monday, 5 March 2012


I LOVE DORA GUMMIES! they are so delicious and juicy and colourful. and full of artificial goodness! :D
My favourite one to eat is Boots because it's blue and tastes really good...yeahh...
anywyas, i love amber snider for bringing them for mee <3